Sunday, September 12, 2010

question of the week 8/23/2010

From all that has been said and done about the proposed mosque at ground zero, all i see is that we as Americans should fallow our principles.Our constitution states freedom of religion, how can we have hatred for a religion just because a inccedent  that individuals did around nine years ago? I believe that this whole mosque issue is just madness, the people who where lost that day do to this terrorist attack makes the area where the towers stood a honorable place, but then there is the fact that were the mosque is set to be, is two blocks away. The area were the mosque is planned to be built has nothing to do with ground zero. If we the proposed mosque was not to be built it would just contredict our constitution.LLike our president Obama stated we will not declare a war on Muslims. But then the question comes up, what if radical Islam is doing this as a slap in the face, building the mosque to show they are taking over? That can not be, islam is a religion of peace. Just because the people who attacked the trade center were Muslim does not mean the whole religion should be attacke. Look at it this way, say if  a group of Catholics decide to one day attack the Whit House would you blame the whole Catholic church? Where i stand in thi conflict that should not be this big in my opinion, i say the Mosque should deffinatley be built. How would we be the land of the free if we did not allow this religion to be free?
"3 Fundamental Questions About the Ground Zero Mosque", KT Mcfarland, Fox News

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